LA Photo Diary
Is it still counted as a diary if it's about six months late? It's a completely different season now, and I still haven't gotten around to sharing my US trip photos on the blog. Ah well. Better late than never!
I'm sharing some of my favorite photos from our not so recent trip to the US for Christmas. Our family rode a bus up to LA to spend the New Year here. I will always remember seeing 2015's last ever sunset from the Griffith Park observatory, cheering along with the people as we said goodbye to the year that was. It was a great year, and while 2016 hasn't yet kicked off for me (still?! it's already June!), here are some pictures.
You've seen these light posts before, obviously. It's easy to fall in love with them too, they're just so cool. But while the art gallery inside the LACMA was a little bit of a mess, we enjoyed their outdoor exhibits more--and this included the whole room that was an elevator.
Roselle hanging out in the Ramen Noodles exhibit. There was also a giant projection of the moon that was lovely.
The Griffith Observatory
The last time I was here was in 2005, and I worn a mini-skirt. It was so cold that I ended up with a fever after. This was where we spent the last sunset of 2015, and if there is anything that I will always remember LA for, it's their incredible sunsets. The one here in Griffith seemed to last forever, and the light was just beautiful.
The last sunset of 2015! People were clapping as we said goodbye to it.
The Getty Museum
We decided it would be a good thing to split up a group of twenty-ish people when it came to exploring the Getty. I took some of the kids (and Mom) straight to the European Art galleries, where I reunited with my very first Van Gogh.
As the sun set, they projected stars and snowflakes against the building, which I thought was a nice touch. Why oh why do we not have museums like this in Manila?
The lower floors of the north east galleries also had great photo exhibits by Japanese photographers, that could range from haunting to heartbreaking.
Venice Beach
We weren't really sure what we were looking for when we went to Venice Beach. We still don't know. Nice to look at, though, even if just to miss the beaches back home.
These are the kinds of sunsets that spoil you for life, really.
The Huntington Library
One of my new favorite spots in LA was the Huntington Library! No surprise, I'm a girl who went crazy for the gardens. We strolled through a museum, an English rose garden, a Chinese garden (with a lake) and a Japanese garden all in one afternoon. I wish I had my watercolors with me (that I knew how to paint flowers then), they were so pretty and picturesque!