My Everyday Makeup and Skincare Routine
Hello and happy February, everyone! I made an unofficial promise to myself that I would post something on this blog once a month, kind of like a newsletter without spamming your inboxes. So if you’re here, welcome!
If you follow me on Twitter (over here!) you would have seen my tweets on Sunday when my family did a presentation party. Basically it was my sister’s wish that we all make a ten minute presentation on the topic of our choice. Because most of us crammed it an hour before, all the presentations came from knowledge off the tops of my siblings and parents’ heads, which made for a really fun day.
What did I present, I hear you ask?
Oh nothing, just something I love that I do every day. Haha. I ran my family through the steps that I do for my makeup in the mornings and skincare in the evenings, adding mini-reviews of the stuff I already have and showing them what my routine is, given that most of us have the same skin type (thanks dad).
The presentation file is so big I can’t really share it on here, but here are some of the slides I really liked doing, haha. Now I’m going to take a page from one of my favorite Youtubers Matilda and say that everyone’s skin is different! What works for me may not work on you, but the best advice I’ve picked up in my short makeup and skincare journey so far (wow) is that it’s fun figuring out what’s good for you! It can get confusing, so hang in there!
This is a joke because my generous sponsor was my dad, hehe. Also the photos of me are actually a video of me applying the things hahaha